On the next day our group doubled its size. Hristo Fanaticc arrived from Vienna and Marian from Munich. Hristo is one of the people with the biggest blue-white propeller in his heart I know. He is as big fan as a fanatic as his nickname suggests. Marian is the regional chairman of BMW Club Bulgaria in the Mecca of our favorite automotive brand. We met him several days ago in Munich. Thus I led the group of four towards the next cherry on top of the cake – Grossglockner High Alpine road.
Here we drove slower than the previous mountain pass. Often there were stops for taking pictures and a lot more traffic. Also not to forget that with four cars it is a bit more difficult to keep the whole group together than with two. Nevertheless we had a lot of sweet emotions this day which you can see on the two video clips I made from this day footage:
Our Route
We slept in Hotel Kammerhof in Worgl village (point A on the map on the right) which was our starting point for that day. The hotel was amazing and it is a must visit if you happen to be somewhere near. The beautiful waterfall you already saw on the pictures above is located on point B (Staniska River near Kals am Grossglockner village). We had wonderful time around it and made an amazing picnic. After some refreshments and lots of pictures we were ready to continue our journey to the Grossglockner glacier and the famous mountain pass (point C).